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An introduction nightmare!!!!!!!!!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 23, 2005
so, i JUST finished the first introduction of my three new texels that have been inquarantine for 2.5 weeks and my three old short hairs, who i have had for three years. They are all female and had been together outside last week together, but they were separated by cubes. They were fine though after they just sniffed each other. i figured their first actual introduction time would be no problem. Boy was i wrong!

When i brought the three texels down to the area downstairs where i would introduce them, Jasmine's butt had so many matts with shavings and pee, it took .5 hours to clean all of their butts and shave around their butts as well. then i gave them a light haircut and decided to bethe them next week!!!

I brought the other three down, and the next 20 mins was teeth cattering from everyone, almost, and butt sniffing, and chasing, and they were basically fighting as well. We had to squirt water on them about 5 times. They actually opened their mouths at one point as well. After 20 mins i decided i would try again in a few days.

I am so scared that they won't be able to live together! I will try a bath, but won't they still hate each other after the bath?

What if i tried to introduce them again outside? Have any of you ever tried that.

Any suggestions, i am really nervous.
Was there any bloodshed? If not, you shouldn't have seperated them. If there is bloodshed, try a buddy bath, and put them in a very big, totally clean cage with everything rearranged from before. Have plenty of hay and fresh veggies.

Introducing them a few times for longer periods each time could work- if it is nice outside that will be okay- just make sure the pen is large.
Try introducing one of the new girls to the other three girls first, then if that goes ok, add another new girl and finally add the third new girl.
Try keeping them in cages where they can see and smell and get used to each other for two or three days.
If there's no bloodshed, I would try it again. When I introduced Phoebe to Porky they looked like they were going to fight. They were showing their teeth at each other, chasing each other, nipping, etc. This went on for a few hours, but they did eventually settle down. It took a few days for them to stop chattering their teeth at each other. It may look scary, but they need to settle who's going to be dominant.
Hey Ly, if i introduced one girl to the other 3, wouldn't they just gang up on her?
Hm, my three piggies didn't gang up on Sydney. Bonnie went into the ring first, and only when she was defeated, Gobi followed. I believe they followed a pattern - lowest ranking first, second next, highest last. Whenever two pigs were fighting, the other two stayed clear and only watched.
I would also try introducing one at a time. I think it's a great idea to do it in a nice large secure pen out on the fresh clean grass. This makes the introduction less "huge" as they have other things to focus on as well (grass, being outdoors, etc.). Hope this helps.
Thats what iw as thiniking. They will be a bit distracted.
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