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Biting Amy the Attack Pig


Well-known Member
Cavy Gazer
Mar 20, 2012
Okay, I totally can't figure this one out, other than to chalk it up to Amy's bi-polar Abby personality. I've been out of the country for close to a week, and hubby was home caring for the pigs. I spot clean daily, and when I do Amy's cage, she thinks it's very exciting and a great opportunity to get underfoot. She does zoomies, hides under the trash bag, or sometimes just jumps in her cuddle cup to watch me, and she popcorns like crazy if I add some bedding.

While I was gone, hubby said he had to take her out of the cage while he was spot cleaning because she was attacking him and biting! I thought maybe she was just doing zoomies, but he said she was trying to bite him. Obviously she knows him because he holds her during lap time or just picks her up and pets her sometimes and gives her goodies, so I can't figure out what was up with the cleaning. I've never seen her run at someone and attack them, although she can be an occasional nipper (not viciously and it's easy to predict so it's no big deal).

I'll be stripping the cages today so I won't get to see what she does with me, but it will be interesting to see if she plays attack pig tomorrow.
sorry to hear about this! how old is amy? one of the most challenging things about these funny little pigs is their personalities and moods. just when i think i've got them figured out, they up and change their quirks and i have start all over again! i suspect this is NOT the case, but sometimes, if pigs smell something unusual on your hands, it can freak them out - but i figure you all know that by now! keep us posted.
I asked hubby if he'd touched anything that might smell odd beforehand, and he doesn't think so. I left Amy in her cage as long as I could while stripping it, and there were no attacks. As a matter of fact, she actually let me pet her for a bit a couple of times during the process. I'm going to make hubby spot clean tomorrow to see if he does something different. The only thing I know of is that he takes her stuff (cuddle cup, hidey) out while he spot cleans while I leave it in, but I took it out today while cleaning and she didn't seem to care.

Piggies are indeed intriguing little creatures, and Amy's personality is an enigma. I think that's one of the things I love about her. She's my bipolar piggy who thinks everything is cause for excitement. You just never know whether it will be happy excitement or cranky excitement! I wonder if she might have been in heat while I was gone, which might have made her crankier.
LOL to Chester's posessiveness! I wonder if it did annoy Amy that hubby was moving her stuff around. And perhaps she did miss me, as it was somewhat odd how much she seemed to want/enjoy the petting while I was cleaning her cage vs. usually seeming to just tolerate it. It's a good thing hubby takes being chomped by pets in stride. We've had a feral cat (literally feral) for 16 years, so Amy is nothing compared to that nasty red ball of feline fury. Hmmmm, Amy is red, too...I wonder if redhead attitude on top of Abby-tude is a double whammy, hee hee.
My guess would be that she missed you and was confused as to where you went. Her biting might have been her trying to say "what have you done with mom?!"

I'm curious to see how this turns out!!!
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