I live in a small rural town in NSW Australia, here i've yet to meet someone who uses c&c cages or even have their guinea pigs inside. I adopted two adult girl guinea pigs who i am completely in love with, I live in a small house with parents who do not like pets, my piggies live in a 2.2metre by 1metre outdoor cage with tunnels, hidey houses and a large "nest box" filled with soft hay that they curl up in, it doesn't too cold or too hot here and i give my pigs plenty of attention they get plain non-lucerne based pellets lots of vegies and unlimited hay. from what i've read on here everyone seems to pick on anyone who keeps their guinea pigs outside but really, i am doing so much better than anyone else i can find. as soon as i move out i am getting a c&c cage and will have them inside but until then am i really a horrible pet owner?