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Sneezing Allergy?


Cavy Slave
Nov 3, 2011
So, I know there are quite a few threads about sneezing guinea pigs, and I've looked at a decent amount of them on here. I think my pig might have an allergy to something, because he keeps sneezing, but has no nasal/eye discharge, eats normally, and is generally quite active. The only thing is, I can't figure out what he is allergic too...his cage is lined with a towel (I've changed the detergent that I wash them with twice), and he sneezes even when he is away from his hay etc...I do have 4 cats...could he be allergic to them? (They don't go in his pig room though...). I have a vet appointment for him on Friday, but i'm concerned because his sneezing has been getting progressively wetter/more frequent since I got him 2 weeks ago.

The other issue i'm concerned about is him catching the GP version of a cold. He is a skinny pig, and so he doesn't have much hair to keep him warm, especially now that winter is coming. I give him plenty of fuzzy things to burrow in, and he has a little heat pack thing I heat up for him in the morning/at night (it's a bean heat pack, so it doesn't get hot--just warm).

What are they types of questions I should ask my vet, and, should I push for some sort of antibiotic if the vet can't find anything wrong with him (just in case)?

No antibiotics unless he really needs them. Sometimes guinea pigs have to have them, but many have tolerance problems, and you may wind up handfeeding and giving probiotics.

Dry sneezing isn't as worrisome as wet sneezing. If his is getting wetter, it might be time for a vet visit.
Ok. I notice his nose is wet in the morning, but it stays dry all day (after he wipes it on me, the little brat haha!)...Is this because he gets too cold at night?

I have a vet visit on Friday, but I just want to make sure he is ok in the meantime/if there is anything I can do to make him feel better...
I would just watch to for signs of labored breathing or congestion. If you find that he's getting worse, I'd try and get him in sooner. I wouldn't medicate him without a vet visit. Just make sure the vet you take him to treats exotics.
Ya, that's why I can only get an appointment for Friday (my exotic vet his away until then!) Thanks so much for the advice, I really appreciate it! :3
How cold does it get where his cage is? Guinea pigs do much better with cold than hot -- they're mostly balls of fur and fat, and they're descended from animals that lived in the Andes.

But skinnies do need some help maintaining their body heat. I'd make sure he's got some cozies with tops over them, and not just depend on his burrowing in fleece or something like that. He may not be able to keep himself adequately covered with loose fabric.
I bought him a flannel pillowcase, which I stuff with towels and attach to his little wooden hutch (so he can run in/out of it).

It doesn't get too hot in the room that he is in, but it can get quite chilly now that winter is almost here. He is away from potential drafts, and I keep a blanket over his cage to try to keep it a bit warmer for him. I think I might try covering the windows a bit more, so that a bunch of cold air can't get in.
You might also have a cozie next to his hay and water so he doesn't get cold while eating. Hope the vet visit goes well!
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