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Allergies to Guinea Pigs


Cavy Slave
Jul 8, 2005
I own a guinea pig.....but i'm very allergic to it.
My eyes turn red and itchy.....the runny nose and sneezing
are under control. So I'm hoping someone has had some
of these problems and can suggest something because I want
to keep my guinea pig.

Right now i'm using Visine allergy drops, they work but only for
a few hours, and i'm taking off the counter allergy pills.
Yesterday, I went to a chinese herbalist, she gave me some
pills to take, but she said it will be a few days before I start
seeing a difference.

Any suggestions appreciated

Are you sure you are allergic to the piggie and not the hay?

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We also have a gerbil, and in his cage we use the same bedding, 100 % natural pine shavings. The first day we got him, he arrived in a pine and cedar mix, the smell of cedar made my nose run just standing by the cage, so we changed him a few hours later to just pine and that fixed the runny nose / sneezing problem, so i can just imagine what it does to them to be in that all the time.

I got a bottle of hand sanitizer gel and use it right after I've handled him. We got him last Wed. I was putting eye drops at least 4 times a day, today only twice, so i'm hoping the pills the herbalist gave me yesterday are starting to take effect.
Thank you for getting rid of the cedar. Cedar has been proven dangerous to use with all small animals. If the pine is not kiln-dried, let it air out a couple of days before putting it in your gerbil's or pig's cages. Is your pig living in a pet store cage?
It could still be the hay...which kind are you using?
I had no idea I was allergic to hay until the day I got my piggies. My husband and I both get a wave of pressure in our sinus'. Then one day we bought hay that wasn't Timothy (it said it was, but it was packaged different-only hay they had left) and it was MUCH worse on us.
So after that experience the regular, good, Timothy hay didn't seem bad at all.
I'm also just guessing that it's the hay and not the piggie you are allergic to, but I could be wrong. It sounds like our hay symptoms.
I wish I had some good advice, hopefully those pills will kick in!

Good luck
He hasn't been given lose hay since Fri....we've been giving him Alfalfa cubes and his other regular food and fresh veggies / fruits. He's housed in a large rabbit cage, our space is limited. He also spends some time outside for play or exercise time.

Piglet said:
It could still be the hay...which kind are you using?
Your piggie really needs unlimited hay. The cubes don't help all that much when it comes to healthy teeth and proper digestion.
If you can afford it and can some how make space for a nice c&c cage. Your piggie would be a lot happier. I can understand space limitations but sometimes if you really think about it, its surprising what you can come up with .. :)

I am also allgeric to my piggies and I have 5 of them. They don't bother my sinuses at all they make my eyes itch and hurt for hours. I take zyrtec. Works great and is rather a cheap pill to get. I get a monthes supply for 10 bucks. I take the decongestent. Only one aday and it seems to work just fine. (Its recommended to take 2 aday but only need one.)
It helps when I do handle the piggies that I dont touch my face and I wash my hand and change clothes after I have messed with them. That includes cage cleaning. I now just take a shower afterwards.
Useing fleece has also helped with that also. Since the cage is cleaned about every 3 days it helps keep the hair mess a little more under control.

And no it isn't the hay. I have lived around hay fields all my life. That has never bothered me one bit. So it is the piggies :( (atleast for me)
I can understand space limitations but sometimes if you really think about it, its surprising what you can come up with .. :)

We are looking for another house.....when we move he will have a better cage.

I am also allgeric to my piggies and I have 5 of them. They don't bother my sinuses at all they make my eyes itch and hurt for hours. I take zyrtec.

I am seeing my dr tomorow afternoon....I'll make sure to ask her for them, thanks for giving me the name

And no it isn't the hay. I have lived around hay fields all my life. That has never bothered me one bit. So it is the piggies :( (atleast for me)[/QUOTE]

Same here, I live in the country, so i'm surrounded by hay fields.

If you are allergic to them... :( I don't think just getting rid of them is such a good idea. Piggies have a special bond with their owners. And especially if you are the first owner of the piggies. They will have a hard time getting used to a new owner.
But if you do have to get rid of them, I would visit them often :)
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