Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I'm new here and in general don't use the net much, I have a problem of sorts and would appreciate some advice please. I have 4 rescue pigs, 2 girls and then a year later i took on 2 boys, thinking they could all live together, for the first 2 months they were housed apart while the boys healed from being neutered then over the course of 2 weeks i gently increased the amount of contact they had with one another until i thought they could live together, within a few hours my dreams of a happy family saw me taping together off cuts of coroplast to make a temporary home for Sweep until i could sort something else out, Sweep had bonded with Mo and so i split my mom and daughter pair so both boys could have a companion. Previously where i lived i had a spare room so had 2 6x2 C&C cages set up, I've now had to move house, so the piggies were outside in 2 specially constructed hutchs 2x7, after 2 months outside i got a bit panicky about the damp and brought them inside, problem being i don't have the room i previously had, Egg and Sillychops C&C is 4x2 but Sweep and Mo's C&C is 1 and a half x 3 and a half, i notice even thought i spot clean twice a day and full clean every other day, the cage smells. At present i use shreaded Cardboard (previously tried carefresh and biozorb and didn't like either, i also used in the past a shreaded paper that was blue/white and fluffy which was great but i can't seem to find this again, any ideas anyone?) I do have a insulated garage that i could house one set of pigs in, in a bigger C&C anything up to 2x6 again, but i don't like the idea of no natural light, does it matter? also are the C&C better raised off the floor? Previously my other 2 cages were upstairs but these new ones are downstairs, it's a new house so i don't know how drafty it gets...previously i was really pleased with my cages but now i feel i'm letting my piggies down a little. I'm not sure if a smaller cage in a good place is better than a larger cage in a not so great one, Help please and sorry again if this is in the wrong place cheers lu