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Adopted a buddy for Cujo, but....

mom to cujo

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 27, 2004
So, I finally was able to find a rescue in NY and they matched Cujo up with a approx. year old boy named Sebastian. He is very cute and I hope he warms up to us. He is a nervous little guy and I don't know that the two of them will ever be "pals". Cujo actually seems upset that he is here. They tolerate each other - no actual fighting, but they run from each other and the new piggie just seems very nervous and skittish. Cujo seemed so much happier when he was alone. How long should it take for them to be friends. I've never had more than one piggie at a time and I just want to do the right thing. Help!
Did you quarintine, you need to keep the pigs away from eachother in seperate rooms for three weeks. Maybe until Sebastinan warms up to you.
The shelter person had them meet each other and run around together before I could take him. Sebastian had been checked and found to be healthy by their vet and so they are together now.
I have seen sebastian in pictures. Mab0615 from gl was fostering her right? I also saw pictures of their first meeting. Cujo is quite a huge boy. They are both darling pigs and I hope they continue to get along. Since I know of this situation already, I know there didn't need to be any quarantining.

I am sure they are both happier that they have a buddy. As long as they are tolerating each other that's a good sign. I don't believe you have had sebastian for too long yet. It's still entirely possible that sebastian is getting used to his new home and new surroundings. I have 4 sows all living together, they tolerate each other but I have never seen them snuggling up with each other, they usually all sleep in different hidey houses and cozies. You will probably have to give it more time for them to become good pals.
mom to cujo said:
So, I finally was able to find a rescue in NY and they matched Cujo up with a approx. year old boy named Sebastian. He is very cute and I hope he warms up to us. He is a nervous little guy and I don't know that the two of them will ever be "pals". Cujo actually seems upset that he is here. They tolerate each other - no actual fighting, but they run from each other and the new piggie just seems very nervous and skittish. Cujo seemed so much happier when he was alone. How long should it take for them to be friends. I've never had more than one piggie at a time and I just want to do the right thing. Help!
Where did you find a rescue in NY? I had to go to Connecticut to adopt a companion. Not that I regret it, because she is a sweet pig.
AmiableAnimals has a rescue in NY. She is a member here. Her rescue site is here: (broken link removed)
ly - yea Cujo is my big mushy boy! He is the loviest, mushiest piggie!. Sebastian , I'm sure, needs some time to adjust and realize he is finally home! I just want them to be happy. Amy told me to give it time and I guess I had this vision of them instantly attaching to each other and that was stupid. They don't bite or fight so I will just give them time to adjust and be patient. Thank you so much for your response - I do feel better.
I'm glad you feel better. Is there any way you can post some pictures of them together for the rest of the board to see? They would be amazed when they see Cujo, lol.
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