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Puberty Adding an older boar (2) to a pair of teens (5mo.)?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 1, 2012
Alright so here is the deal. My boys have been steddily increasing their "i'm the boss" fights. Yesterday they jumped at eachother, slept together, then did it again. Tonight Porcupine is mounting Odair's head and sometimes he lets him, sometimes not. I have also noticed that sometime today while i was working Odair got a scratch on the nose. It looks ok, not to deep, and he is acting pretty normal so I am guessing it was just from a scuffle gone to far. As I know they are at that age (going on 5mo.) I am not totally concerned about the scuffles. They both eat, drink, get hay and sleep ok, often together. I am getting them a larger cage within a week or two (sooner i hope). So I am not concerned to much about the scratch.

Now the cage I have planned would be enough room for 4 or more pigs, way more if i plan it right. Because of this i was excited with the thought that i could at last reascue a 2yr old pig that was abandoned at the local pet store. Seeing as I do research and am well known at the store now they are all hopeing I can take him. However this new deal has me a tad worried. Would bringing home a stranger make it worse? Or might he put them both in their place? Or could it change nothing? I expect them to tussle, maybe a nipped ear or two, but if there is a fair chance it would be ok, i want to save him. I am prepared to have him live alone (as he has been his whole life) if need be, as if i get him I refuse to put him through more trama. But i am just curious what you all think?

To sum up: my two boars are doing their age appropriate domonince stuff. One has a scratch on his nose I can only guess was caused by a little scuffle. They do relax around eachother though. I am gettin them a really big cage soon and want to add a third older boar but I want advice if this is a good idea. I understand it may not work and am prepared for that. Just want an idea of how likely you think it'll work.

Thank you!
i think it's worth a try, as long as you're prepared for the possibility they won't get along, and you'll need 2 cages in the end. :eek:ptimist:
We have absolutely no way of knowing if it will work, any more than you do. It depends on the personality of the pigs. But I wouldn't be anxious to add a third boar to two adolescents.
I would go for it, and if they don't get along you can always add a divider between them. That way you can have the best of both worlds, since your cage would have been large enough for 4 piggies in the first place. :)
I have two seniors, a male living with another male and a senior female living with two other females. In both cases, my seniors are very laid back but I think that's solely due to their dispositions. I've fostered a couple of older guinea pigs that were really dominant. Two young ones like yours might be too much for an old guy. What I'd suggest is to take your two to a rescue and try and see if there are any that seem like they could be compatible.
Well i he isnt really a senior, he's just 2. And yeah, i know it comes down to personalities, was just curious if there might be any piggy rule about sticking a older one with two teens. I've seen posts of one teen to two adults, two teens and a baby, but not two teens and an adult. XD and if there was a high chance it would make their domonince battle harder on them, i wanted to know. But since it seems its just a normal chance, i'll go ahead and plan for it.
i actually had two young boys i got when they were a few weeks old. after a couple months, i added a third, senior pig (5 years old, with special needs). the two boys that were well bonded, suddenly weren't getting along (seriously) and had to be separated. so, like everyone said, it all depends om each individual personality.
I don't think the age difference will be the determining factor. It'll come down to if you have more than one dominant one and if so, whether one is willing to back down. If your two get along, I don't think I'd get a third unless you're positive they'll get along or you don't mind another cage if they fight.
Then thats good to know. I am still new to proper guinea pig care and I didnt know if age had any effect on how a pig would react to being put with others. And really, i am more hopeing they get along for eases sake. But regardless i feel a bit of an emotional attachment to this abandoned guinea pig and I just want him to finally have a home that won't toss him for no reason. And if i'm lucky he'll fit in. If not, two cages shouldnt be to horrible. RIght?
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