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add a friend?


Cavy Slave
Jun 17, 2005
I have one pig I have had for almost 5 years now and he's always been by himself but after visting this site aswell as others I've come to the conclussion maybe I should add a friend being as I don't have as much 'pig time' to spread around any more, now being as they can get territorial and mine already has his little spot "under the cage shelf'" would problems arise and if so how would they be solved? The other question is my idea to get another older one was to go through a rescue and bring mine with me when I pick it up to see if they get along before bringing him home, would that be the right way? Any adivse would be great thanks.
Assuming your boar is old, you want a baby boar. Rescues and shelters will most likely always have babies. That is the thing that will most likely work out. Some shelters and rescues will not do "play dates" with animals before hand. See what the policies are.

I have a 2 year old with a 5 month old, both boars. They get on pretty well. Except they had a fall out a week ago-but are fine now.

It should be ok as long as they have a big cage. I suggest completely cleaning out and disinfecting (piggy safe spray or vinegar) the cage, then adding new bedding before adding both pigs in.
Read https://cavyspirit.com/sociallife.htm

Make sure you quarintine in a seperate room for three weeks, and then introduce on neutral territory. Then you want to make sure everything in the cage is clean and disinfected before putting them in.
I have a 6yr old piggie, she had lived on her own for 3-4 years. I got her a friend.. and another.. and another.. Untill She ended up living with five females and a male. She loves it! She is the queen!! Getting him a baby boy will make his senior years enjoyable!
really a baby? I would think an older one would want to be with an older one, my only worry about adding a younger pig into the cage would be that when the older pig eventually dies the other one not either taking well to a new comer or always rescuing pigs at that odd single digit.
I've had no problems introducing adult boars to each other. It depends totally on personality (dominant, or submissive) I HAVE had problems introducing pups to adults and 5 or 6 months later them have dominance issues all over again, and sometimes needing to be split.

Contact a rescue and they should be able to match you (and your pig) with another. They may even have spayed females.
Where are you located? I think with a 5 year old boar, a baby might be too much energy/annoying for him. A rescue may have an adult with a mellow temperament that could add some fun to your guys life, though!
south fl, ya thats what I was thinkin.
Well, the Wildlife Care Center in Fort Lauderdale has a TON of piggies available for adoption. I'm sure if you apply and are approved, they can find a compatible friend for your guy.
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