This website and forum has been created, paid for and maintained by a rescuer (Cavy Spirit). The purpose of this forum is to provide an exchange of ideas about CAGES and ENVIRONMENTS that will help promote the betterment of cavies' lives and people's enjoyment of their pets.
In creating a discussion forum, inevitably, all related and many nonrelated topics get discussed.
Cavy Spirit has always taken a strong and firm position on NOT treating animals as commodities.
This is a PRO-ADOPTION, PRO-RESCUE, PRO-ANIMAL WELFARE website. "How-to" discussions about breeding and showing are not allowed.
As topics in the rest of the forum move into debates, especially about pet stores, breeding, and showing, they will be moved here.
There has been criticism from some forum members that people are too harsh or pointed in their posts. Most of us are passionate in our beliefs about these issues and many feel very strongly.
Therefore, as the saying goes, "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." The rest of the forum should be more agreeable to most members.
Animal Welfare:
Another challenge of being a rescue is the frustration of trying so hard to make a difference and frequently seeing little to no real progress in the overall scheme of things. To that end, rescues by necessity, must adopt at least some degree of animal advocacy and animal welfare/ animal activist positions. Leveraging one's efforts is key. When you DO get more deeply involved in the issues and efforts, you quickly begin to realize how splintered the animal welfare community is--rendering it less effective. Therefore, this forum will not accept blatant negatively towards any animal welfare organizations, especially PETA, simply for the purposes of debate or discussion.
In creating a discussion forum, inevitably, all related and many nonrelated topics get discussed.
Cavy Spirit has always taken a strong and firm position on NOT treating animals as commodities.
This is a PRO-ADOPTION, PRO-RESCUE, PRO-ANIMAL WELFARE website. "How-to" discussions about breeding and showing are not allowed.
As topics in the rest of the forum move into debates, especially about pet stores, breeding, and showing, they will be moved here.
There has been criticism from some forum members that people are too harsh or pointed in their posts. Most of us are passionate in our beliefs about these issues and many feel very strongly.
Therefore, as the saying goes, "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." The rest of the forum should be more agreeable to most members.
Animal Welfare:
Another challenge of being a rescue is the frustration of trying so hard to make a difference and frequently seeing little to no real progress in the overall scheme of things. To that end, rescues by necessity, must adopt at least some degree of animal advocacy and animal welfare/ animal activist positions. Leveraging one's efforts is key. When you DO get more deeply involved in the issues and efforts, you quickly begin to realize how splintered the animal welfare community is--rendering it less effective. Therefore, this forum will not accept blatant negatively towards any animal welfare organizations, especially PETA, simply for the purposes of debate or discussion.
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