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A new member type for the Cavy Cages forum

What the hell happened? You know you want to give the gossip slap =) go on!
What did I miss?
Louis is juat continuosuly arguing over something silly (see the other chat) he is dening he wrote stuff so you didn't miss much..
I like to try and give new people the benefit of the doubt, I am a bit shocked that he tries to provoke people , I stood up for this kid but won't no more.

Ps) Not all Aussie's are like that, promise!
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I, for one, Cavy Spirit, agree with you idea and think it's a good one. Full privledges should only go to those people on this forum who stick to the rules and support the rescue of adorable and cuddly piggies!

Breeders, et. al. have plenty of other forums to go to with people of thier kind to discuss whatever they wish. I don't think they'd like it if I barged up in there and disagreed with everything they said.
guineagurl said:
Ps) Not all Aussie's are like that, promise!

We'll keep ya Guineagirl! Never you worry!
What is a cavy pal then? I saw that Becky is.

You are no longer welcome on the Cavy Cages forum. Everytime you sign back up you will be banned again.
Is there a relationship between gpq and L?
Who is "L" ?
Louis, Banned, Western Australia?
No, Louis was a problem child who allowed his GPs to live in his backyard, unprotected, he insulted members, was very rude and refused to abide by forum rules. He eventually left us no other choice but to ban him.

GPQ was not banned...just demoted. She can still post on most of the forums just not in a few particular areas.
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gee, whiz! Ya'll are the toughest lover's I've EVER seen:)
I'm only joking btw, but I think there are alot of us who would be just as suited to the title of cavy addicted, cavy obsessed, cavy crazy, cavy mad , cavy hooked,cavy loopy. I'm sure there's more but can't think of any.. and I'm including myself in all of the above of course!

I have to go do my daily exercise now,,, Pfttttt. I don't wannnnaaa....
Great idea! How about: Cavy Cages can use a "reputation system" to help determine the best content and helpful users in the forums. This could a system outlined below...
Reputation is based on points.
Every post (with a few exceptions)could have + or - buttons next to it allowing users to vote on that post. Each user would be granted a certain number of votes per day based on their level.
Every userwould have a reputation level determined by the number of points they have gained, their post volume and the amount of time they have been using Cavy Cages.
If a post helps you with an issue vote "+". If it offers no useful assistance vote "-". A post could gain or lose points in the following ways:
User vote (either + or -). A user votes as many times as they wish as long as they have the votes (see the chart below).
A user votes up to 5 times per day on any one individual's posts.
After a post has accumulated 6 votes, the postcould show a ratio of the positive votes to total number of votes.
A user can gain or lose points in the following ways:
Each new post gives one point to the author. If the post is later deleted, that one point is lost. If a post is directly removed as a result of violating the Terms of Use, 25 points may be deducted from the author's total.
Any suspension of posting privileges for violation of the Terms of Use may result in the loss of enough points to reduce the user up to 2 full levels.
20% chance to gain 1 point every time you cast a vote for someone else's post - whether that vote be positive or negative.
A chance of an author gaining or losing one point if the author's post is voted up or down by another user.
Vote refreshing: Each user level is granted a store of votes which has a maximum. For every 24 hours of activity (can be viewing, does not have to be posting), each user gets a certain number of votes added to their store. If you are at your maximum total store, you will not be granted more, even if it has been more than 24 hours. The Levels and associated requirements, votes and privileges:
Level 2 - captive
Level 3 - companion
Level 4 - connoisseur
Level 5 - crackpot
I see problems with that system, esspecially with the kitchen forum around.
How about excluding the Kitchen from the system?
Do you have any idea how much coding that would invlove for Cavy Spirit? She would have to search far and wide for that hack, if it even exists for her board software.

If it ain't broke don't fix it. I like the current meathod.

Ranks based on post count are cool and easy but since the post count is already displayed here, it can be seen as clutter.

But you have to keep it simple. Your way is so complicated yo-rico. My forum has 5 normal ranks based on post count and 5 special ranks. The 5 special ranks were given to my best friends who also do alot of work for my site. They have access to my equivelent to a mod forum. I think I have more then enough ranks.

I guess it could be worse. Each person has thier own rank on GL. I use the same software as Lynx. I would hate to manage her rank menu 0.o
I have intentionally not turned on the ranking system. And I don't have any plans or desires to do so. Thanks for your thoughts on the subject.
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