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Adopting A friend for my girl?


Cavy Star, Photo Contest Winner
Cavy Slave
Jun 13, 2010
I've found someone who is giving away their guinea pig because they can no longer look after it, she is missing a toe on her front foot and her teeth just show though her lips, but the lady said it doesn't affect her at all. She still eats and drinks fine and is still growing normally. They think it is a double up on the satin gene that has caused it but no one is certain.

Mum said that I can get Trixie a friend when she either gets a job or when It's my birthday. I was wandering if anyone here think that I should try something to Convince my mum to let me get her (she doesn't have a name)?

Her owner said she did get her from a breeder and she is around 2 months old.

She says she has asked about her for breeding and she does not want her to be used as breeding; she is a happy little piggy though who deserves a chance at life :)

What would you do? Would you try and Convince your mother to let you get this guinea pig who does deserve a good life or wait till later?


(I do already have 3 boars, I've had two of them for 1 year and 7 months; then the other little boy for 2 weeks.)
Here are a few pictures of her:
[GuineaPigCages.com] A friend for my girl?[GuineaPigCages.com] A friend for my girl?
I would honestly wait. It sounds like you still live at home with your mum, and probably are dependent on her for money, yes? I don't mean to be rude, when I say that, by the way. I still live in the same situation, while I'm not at uni, and it can be tough. That being the case, I would wait until your mum finds a job, like she said. It doesn't sound like it will be much more money to care for two piggies rather than one, but when I got two instead of one, I was surprised by how much more veg they go through, and how much more bedding, even with just spot cleaning, and I know it drives my parents through the wall, being that veg is expensive here, for whatever reason.

Again, not to be rude, but if the money situation is tight, I think it'd be more responsible towards the piggie not to bring it into a situation where you're stressing over how you're going to pay for taking care of the poor girl. It's hard, I know. But unless you have your own income, that's just my recommendation. You have to think about the little things that might double in price. And the big things. If something happens and you need to go to a vet, for example, they get a uri and both need to be checked out, you could be spending a LOT more money than you would on just the one pig. For my pigs, a simple vet check for both is $210.
That's true, I do have my own little website what does get a few orders each week usally giving me $15-$40 per order. :)
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