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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 15, 2005
Ok so I was checking my email just now and I recieved one that had to do with being able to sniff out a friday. It wasn't really that great of an email, but it had a picture in it that I didn't like very much... Tell me what you think about this picture:
I think it's mean, and I don't think you should have posted it here at all.

Why would you post that here? To get a reaction?
No I didn't do it to get a reaction out of people. I wanted to show what garbage is being sent out for the sake of humor. I don't like the picture, I don't think any animal should be picked up by the scruff of the neck.
How would showing "garbage" be funny? I don't find it funny at all - that picture exemplifies abuse, and you're perpetuating it by publishing it on this forum (IMHO)
Never once did I say it was funny. I said in the beginning that I didn't like it. That I never thought it was funny. Wow, I can really see how fast people can tie you to a stake and start the fire already.
THat picture is cruel!! Pookczek, I think its fine if muffin_401 shows how cruel people are, you dont have to mind this post if you dont want to, now, lets not have this thread be closed or moved to the kithchen, just stay away from a fight!
Thanks for the words *Piglets-Angel*

What does IMHO stand for?
I'm sorry if you think that I'm coming off as harsh.... I would never post anything on this forum that would perpetuate animal abuse and I was shocked that you did. Maybe I overreacted.

From the Posting Etiquette, Rules and Forum Conduct:
The goal of this forum is to provide people who want more info on bettering their cage environment a place to get ideas and information and a place for those who have already done it to show off, exchange, and get additional ideas.

How does this photo accomplish the goals of this forum?

(I forgot about the no-chat thing, sorry about that - IMHO means in my humble opinion)
Wow I see too how fast people jump down other peoples throats.... It's sickening sometimes...
There are alot of things on this forum that don't "accomplish the goals" of this forum. This is a good reason why I don't post things on here as much as some do. I'm afraid. I don't like having people jump down my throat about things. I don't know a single person that owns a GP, so I come here. If I have any thoughts or ideas or questions I come here to find out the answers or to get feedback. Sorry if this post completely rubbed you the wrong way. I know I'm not going to be posting a whole lot anymore. This post just proved my fears. Thanks pookczek.
Thanks for proving what kind of garbage people think is ok to be posted
At what point did you think that I thought this was ok?
pookczek said:
Thanks for proving what kind of garbage people think is ok to be posted
No really... what you posted is a true example of what kind of garbage people think is ok to be posted.
This should have been posted in the kitchen.
What is wrong with you guys? Is it that time of month eh? Look, she felt upset by the picture and she wanted to share. I agree though, it shouldn't have been posted in this section.
I don't see what the problem is, it's a hamster being held by the scruff of the neck. That's how hamster mother's carry their pups around. I don't understand why this has been posted on a cavy forum though...
I think that it is photo shopped for the face. Holding hamsters like that can be acceptable if you know how.
muffin_401 said:
...I recieved one that had to do with being able to sniff out a friday.
OK, I have to ask what the heck does that mean? What is sniffing out a friday?
That was a hamster? I thought it was a guinea pig. Anyway my first initial reaction was that I was sorry I had to see that. A few weeks ago I posted that there should be another forum added "Gruesome stories/pictures" something like that, only to warn us beforehand that we will see or read something that we may rather not. I purposely do not go into the kitchen or I wont read any posts that have to do with pet stores because I am not interested in seeing or reading abusing stories about animals. It upsets me and stays with me for the remainder of the day.

These are my feelings.
pennick said:
Anyway my first initial reaction was that I was sorry I had to see that. A few weeks ago I posted that there should be another forum added "Gruesome stories/pictures" something like that, only to warn us beforehand that we will see or read something that we may rather not. I purposely do not go into the kitchen or I wont read any posts that have to do with pet stores because I am not interested in seeing or reading abusing stories about animals. It upsets me and stays with me for the remainder of the day.
Exactly! That is why I went off! A warning in the subject would have been appropriate.
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