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5 days later and i finally found a name!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 30, 2004
Okay so it's been 5 days since I got my little bundle of joy and I have been having a hard time trying to think of a name for him but I think I've got it! My mom wanted to call him Tidbit but it didn't suit him just right and I wanted to give him a more person-like name so his name is now JP which stands for "Just Pig" haha.
lol good name!
cute! i'm sure he'll looooooove it!
Ha ha. That's funny. We've had a hard time naming our animals too. Our cat is named Mau-Mau which is the chinese word for cat and we're thinking of changing our guinea pig's name to Zoo-Zoo which is the chinese word for guinea pig. It's so hard to decide on a name!!!
So true - "Bonnie" came quite fast but "Zirbel" took almost a week. JP is cool but I would have liked Tidbit, too.
Yeah I like Tidbit but it just didn't suit him. Maybe that's what I will name his buddy when I find him one.
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