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Size 3X4 too big? too small?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 27, 2006
Right now we have 2 baby piggies. Both are 5 weeks old. We have a 3X4 C&C cage that we built with a top on it made out of closet shelving parts from Lowe's since we have two cats. Do you think that's a good size to start for them? Is it too big or too small for 2 babies? They have their igloo, or as we call it their "pigloo. They have their water and food bowl and since they're still pretty short we put their hay in the "kitchen" area on the floor of the cage so that they don't have to try to reach it out of anything. Once they're bigger we will put it in a trough or something on the side of the cage as a neatness factor for them. They each have their own little cozy bed but don't seem to really know what to do with those quite yet. They like standing on them, or dragging them around the cage more than snuggling in them. :) Nothing cuter than seeing a little piggie drag a little bed the same size as itself around a cage. They seem to have plenty of space and we've taken the precautions to babyproof it so that there are no accidents. Our plan is to go with a 2X5 once they're a bit bigger with an upper deck, but we went with this until they get a bit bigger. Any suggestions? Also right now we have bedding down in their cage and in the next few weeks I'm going to sew up some fleece cage bottom liners. Our dryer died a few weeks ago and I'm still playing catch up with the human laundry. :) Thanks in advance for any input.
A 3X4 is good for two pigs, and actually has more space than a 2x5. A cage can never be too big for them. :)
It's bigger than a 2X5? I'm horrible at math by the way. Maybe we'll make it a 3X5 then. We have the space. I just want it to be sturdy enough for an upper deck.
That seems like a pretty good sized cage.

If you're using the 14" cubes, that's a 16+ sq foot cage, which is larger than the preferred cage size for 2 adult piggies.
If they're 12" cubes (almost never are, but IF), you have a 12 sq foot cage, which is still larger than preferred for 2 adults.

The preferred size is coming from the home page for this site (Guinea Pig Cages, Your Cavy At Home) which is what everyone references when figuring out the size of their cage. Your cage is definitely big enough (but don't downsize if you don't HAVE to; in this case, bigger is always better ;))

Just a warning on the fleece, I've heard that the hay really likes to stick to it (which may kill your dryer again :sad:) so when you do get your fleece all sewn up (and this might be a factor in the sewing), what most people do is have a separate kitchen area on their choice of bedding other than fleece. If you go with your idea of a 2x5 with a loft, most people make the loft into the kitchen, and (from what I can tell, don't quote me on this) don't use any bedding except the hay, which they then clean daily.
Awesome. Thanks so much for the input and advice!
Buggie, to get the area, you multiply the length by the width.

3x4 is 12 (that's 12 square feet, if you're measuring in feet, larger if you're using grids).
2x5 is 10. So the 3x4 is roughly 20% larger than a 2x5.
It's bigger than a 2X5? I'm horrible at math by the way. Maybe we'll make it a 3X5 then. We have the space. I just want it to be sturdy enough for an upper deck.

I have a 3x5 with a 1x3 loft. This is by far my FAVORITE set-up.

I don't think you'll be disappointed when you decide to expand. lol

[GuineaPigCages.com] 3X4 too big? too small?
Oh I love that picture! Look at those happy piggies running around. How many do you have in that sized C&C. We just have the two girls and I don't think we'd add any more for quite a while so they'll have the place to themselves to run around all they want.
Oh I love that picture! Look at those happy piggies running around. How many do you have in that sized C&C. We just have the two girls and I don't think we'd add any more for quite a while so they'll have the place to themselves to run around all they want.

I have 3 little pigs and they are very happy and spoiled. If I remember correctly, my cage is big enough for up to 5...? But I'm sticking with my 3 little cuties for now, but maybe one day will add a fourth.
Well that is more than enough space for two piggies! They will be in cavy Heaven!
That's fantastic! I love your design and I know our little girls would love those little tunnels to race through.
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