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2nd Time's The Charm?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 27, 2006
Hey everyone. I was a fairly frequent cavycages forum person a little over 5 years ago. We had purchased two girl piggies and all the sudden one day there were three piggies in our cage. ::GASP:: Being the internet person I am I researched away and found this amazing site and all these wonderful guinea pig lovers. They quickly helped calm me down and told me what to expect and how to tell if the new little piggie was a girl or a boy and if our two piggies had been properly labeled as girls. Turns out they were but one of them was pregnant at 6wks old when we got them :( I'd learned my lesson!!! I caught on to piggies pretty quickly and built a fairly snazzy, if I do say so myself, C&C cage for them. Then....the allergies struck. My eldest son is severely asthmatic and at that age and health status wasn't able to undergo the allergy shots that would have allowed us to keep our girls. I was heartbroken but we had to rehome them.

Now it's just over 5 years later, my son is now 11 (I also have an allergy free 6 year old and 5 year old) and he's gone through 2 full rounds of allergy shots. We did our repeat testing and everything came back clear and we got the green light for any guinea pigs, gerbils, dogs, rats, mice, chickens, cows, sheep or ducks we might want to have....needless to say we will NOT be getting all of those creatures.

We got the go ahead about 6 months ago, since then we have volunteered to "babysit" every guinea pig in town just about. To test the waters....so far my B has come through with flying colors...not one itch, scratch or sniffle to be seen or heard. So today was the big day. We have a friend who, like us, didn't know any better and got a pair of guinea pigs who ended up having babies. But unlike us, both of their female gps had babies...oh my. :eye-poppi We volunteered to take 2 of the babies once they were old enough to leave their Mamas. We have one baby from each mama and since they were all together already there wasn't any issue with introducing them. Fortunately our friend was able to find great homes for ALL of the 5 babies that the 2 piggies had. Friends that got all the information I didn't have when I first got a gp, and all had their C&C cages ready and waiting for their piggies before they even came home. :)

I hope to jump right back in to all the awesome CavyCages fun with pictures and hearing about everyones piggies and sharing our two little girls as well.
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
So glad your back and your son is doing good this time around! As you know we would just love to see pictures of your new piggies and what did you name them?
The little black piggie on my sooo sweet and gentle kitty Joey is named Lucy (we might end up changing that but it's what we went with to start with so we weren't just calling her piggie.) The little black and white piggie is Miss Molly Moo, or Moo for short. They are both the sweetest little piggies! Moo LOVES my daughter Allyson. Ally was sitting on the floor and Moo was sitting on her lap and she just went right to sleep right there on Ally. It was adorable. They both really like kale too, and cucumber. We gave them some this afternoon and both of them started popcorning all over the place, the kids thought that was the funniest thing they'd ever seen. Thanks for the warm welcome back.


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As a side note, my cat Joey thinks that Lucy is a kitten. She kept trying to herd her to her kitty bed and let her crawl all over around her and right up under her face. We would never ever ever ever let a piggie around one of our kitties unattended. EVER. Joey is such a sweetheart and just snuggled with Lucy for nearly an hour before we put Lucy back in the C&C before she started turding on the floor :) Moo gets sniffed at and is allowed to crawl around but isn't herded around like Lucy is. Our other cat Jennie sniffs them but generally doesn't care whether they're around or not. Again, never ever ever unattended.
AWH! What cuties!
and welcome back as well! :love: ur piggies!
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