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General 2 piggies = 2 hideaways?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 27, 2011
Just wondering...if I get 2 piggies, do I need 2 hideaways or will they share? I'm most likely going to be adopting 2 sisters so they know each other well. :) The only igloos I've seen are either huge and can easily fit 2 piggies, or tiny and wouldn't fit 1.
Yes, two hideys are always needed. Even if you are lucky to adopt a pair that occasionally likes to snuggle close, most pigs want to sleep in their own spot. Put the hideys close together if they feel safer this way.

You don't need to focus only on common igloos. You could add variety with fleece forests, cardboard boxes, hanging towels, cozy sacks & tunnels. :) Pigs usually like it when you switch & move things every day.
Ah, I see, that makes sense. So as long as there are a variety of things for them to snuggle into and hide in, it doesn't really matter if they have the traditional igloo each? Thanks!
Since I made the boys a couple of fleece forests they hardly use their house or pigloo. You want to make sure there are a lot of hideys for your piggies. I use a bent grid with a streachable book cover and attached it to the side of the cage sort of a tunnel because there are two of them. Also, shoe boxes and brown paper grocery bags(cut a door on side and bottom).
I haven't found it necessary to have multiple traditional hideys in my boys' cage but it's likely because I have a nontraditional type of cage. I have a one cube deep "mezzanine level" which serves as both a step to the bottom floor and a sort of bunk bed - one pig is usually on it. I am a BJ's member and typically pick up a free cardboard display box once every couple of months to use as a hidey for their top level - it already has an arch cut into it to display product - I use it in their cage upside down. They seem to prefer this to a pigloo as they can chew on it if they're in the mood.
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