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Newly-revamped Homemade Rat Cage!

Newly-revamped Homemade Rat Cage! - Guinea Pig Cages

I just revamped my homemade monster rat cage at the beginning of August. I took down all the stick-on tiles on all the walls/ceilings, and then re-caulked all seams and cracks in the flooring tile. I then used child-safe paint to do all the stripes/designs :D
Here are some more pictures:



that's a wonderful idea.....but hey, where is your little monster? Or am I just not seeing him?
This is a really cool cage. I am planing to make one myself, for my new piggy Im getting this week, but i yet have to go out and buy all the materials. And I have never had Guinea Pig so Im so exited!!!! Great job on the cage, you are very artistic! :)
You did a great job with the color scheme/paint! Love the hammocks and all the accessories. What a great imagination!

velasco858... looks like she used chicken wire which you can get at most feed stores
Aurore -- I had just finished revamping the cage, so the ratties were in their temporary cage at the time. I put them in as soon as I was done taking the pictures. Here's a picture showing some of my crew in the cage, eating their dinner:


Velasco858 -- the wire's just regular galvanized wire. You can find it in rolls at your local Home Depot/Lowe's. It's 100% safe :)

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