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Zingo's first bath

Zingo's first bath - Guinea Pig Cages

I was completely suprised when I but Zingo in the water. First he smelled the water and then he layed down in the water. It was as if it was his own personal bath tube. He was very relaxed thoughout the whole bath. It was amazing.
I use Johnsons Baby Shampoo because the other guinea pig shampoos make me itch like crazy and makes my guineas skin dry out. I am sill looking for a good guinea pig shampoo. (I called my vet before using Johnsons Baby Shampoo just to make sure it would be safe)
I put a space heater in the bathroom for about an hour with the door closed before I started. Then I ran warm water in the sink. I washed him fast so that he would get to cold. Then I dried him off with my mom's blow dryer and a towel. After about 20 minutes with the blowdryer he was completely dry. I also turned up the heat in his room for about an hour. It also helps if you get towels that just came out of the dryer because they are all warm.
I got my grids at target for $15. They also have them at Fred Meyer but they are $17 and have less grids in them. Tell your mom that your guinea pigs living in the small petstore cage is like a human living in a bathroom for the rest of there life. Can you imagine eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom in the same small space everyday? It may take a few days (even weeks) to convince her but keep trying, it is definatly worth it.
That is good that you have two cages for them. I guess if you cant convince her then you can just give the guineas a lot of floor time. But dont give up.
what do you take them a bath in a bucket or something or in the bathtub or the sink please help me
aww he so cute!!! he looks IDENTICLE to my piggie spice only differance is she is blind in one eye and is a girl!! =]
i love giving my piggies a bath they get one once a month and maybe twice if they get into mud or something in the summer! hehe

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