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yet another view of the cage

yet another view of the cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Comments please! I have a couple grids left, but I don't think I can do anything else with them, so they will just be spares I guess...Unless, any ideas??
That is an adorable piggy you got right there! Have you tried making any hay racks out of the spare grids? Or I would suggest just keeping them unless you have anymore ideas! Is it hard to clean? Do you use a Vacuum like myself? Great job btw! Keep up the good work!

--->vic <3
Hmmm...I may do that, make a hay rack out of one or two of them. good idea! Well I haven't spot cleaned yet, since I just finished it yesterday, and washed the fleece, so yet to find out how hard it is to clean...Thanks for the comment!

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