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wooden palace

wooden palace - Guinea Pig Cages

Looks very creative. Good way to create more space.

Is that an electrical cable I see in the picture? If so, you will probably want to move it completely out of reach of the piggies. All it takes in a couple of nibbles and your pig(s) could die from a shock. Even if you think they can't reach it, you'll be surprised at how they come up with ways to get at it.
The cord was temporary for a light because we don't have a flash on our camera. Thanks for the comments.
I do not know how to respond to that we site. And trust me, it is rare for me to be at a loss for words. Our vet (who raised cavies for many years) suggested we get a boy and have some babies (after our other female died from pneumonia). I have done a lot of research on piggies but have not come across anything like that yet. You've definitely gotten my attention, but I'm not sure how to handle this going forward. He told us the most she'd have would be 3. I hope you've got some advice for me now that you've freaked me out.
I do :) If it has babies, just hope for the best. Im sure it'll be ok :) If she's not, you could get him fixed now. With the whole 20% death rate thing, just keep a VERY close eye on her. Any signs of complications, Emergancy vet immediatley. :) Hope this helps!

Oh and I wasn't trying to be rude at all :)
I didn't think you were being rude... just concerned, and I understand why (now).
I definitely don't want to lose Mocha, so I will look into having Alex fixed. Do you happen to know approx. how much that costs? I have been on Workman's Comp. for 4 months and had back surgery 3 weeks ago, so money is a little tight right now. But I want to do the right thing.
Thanks so much for your concern and advice. I'm glad there is a site like this where we can all share our experiences.

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