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wide shot of cage

wide shot of cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is my first cage for Georgie, my newly aquired pig. We got him from a friend that is a rescuer. We will be giving him a playmate soon. This is a 2x4 cage with a 2x2 loft. I haven't found coroplast being sold near me yet so I have about 3 layers of cardboard with fleece on top. The Grids ar
nice cage and second level may I ask what is the ramp made of and can they go up such a steep ramp
This is an old cage from 2 years ago. The ramp was made from cube that was bent in two spots, creating a flat surface with 2 walls. I put cardboard on the flat part and wraped the cardboard with some trifold cloth diapers that we never used. and then I took some scrap fabric (purple) and tied it around the cloth. this kept the cloth in place and gave them extra grip. They never had a problem with it.

The ramp comes down, flatens and then goes the other way like most staircases.
This is my current cage, which I think improves on previous designs. It is much easier to clean.


this has a ramp, to a mid-level loft, the a ramp to the top. The love spinting down from top and runnig along the loft.

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