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Upgrade to Rodney's House

Upgrade to Rodney's House - Guinea Pig Cages

This is one of the many shapes my baby's house has had. With the cubes and coroplast, I just keep getting inspired to make changes.

Thats an awesome cage :) Well done on it :)

I am going to be building a cage soon, and I'm wondering, what did you use for the walls? Just wondering what the material is called, because there isn't a lot avalible where I live and I was wondering if that is something different to what cages are ussually made from?
The white stuff is called Coroplast. I got it from a commercial sign company and it was $10 per sheet (4 ft. X 8 ft).

Thank you for the compliments, I wasn't sure I could do it until it was finished.
I love this! Such a space saver by having two shelves for supplies! I would try this idea but I'm short and probably would not be able to clean the upper level as easily
I am short too, and I have a little stool that my Uncle made when I was three that works real well for cleaning the upper level, as well as the back of the lower level.

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