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Under Shelf Storage Bin

Under Shelf Storage Bin - Guinea Pig Cages

Gotta love that look on his face. Makes me think he is saying " Whadda you lookin' at? Hmmpph"
Hahahaha it looks like he saying "hey, what ya looking at?...punk!" or "huh? you think you gonna get some of my hay?" "think again!". love the pigger and the rack!
I stole your idea and it works great!! I used some left over coroplast on the back side of it so the hay wouldn't spill out onto my floor. Then I used some MORE left over coroplast to make a little litter box to put under the hay. So far she does seem to hang out under it like your little fella. And she seems to be pooping and peeing in the box as well so that makes my life a little easier :). No more peeing in the hay stack here :)

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