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Two Store Open Cage 3x4x2x3
Slave to the Wheek

Two Store Open Cage 3x4x2x3 - Guinea Pig Cages

I love it. it seems almost natural! My cage is going to be similar except the top loft will be 2 by 4! And instead of it being incircled in the center it will be 2 by 3 on the left with the far right having reinforcements to leave me able to still plug in in the 3rd space!
Something that I didn't mention on this shot, is that the upper level is a complete cage that simply lifted off the bottom level. They were attached with velcro at the plastic connections..(which didn't work out very long). The upper level simply lifted off so that I could easily change the fleece on the lower level. The upper level was also my 'kitchen' and had regular bedding. I had to take this cage apart because I ended up having 4 boars who fight. I now have 3 cages..

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