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The View From Here is Great..and it's nice and cool!
Slave to the Wheek

The View From Here is Great..and it's nice and cool! - Guinea Pig Cages

We attached this mesh cube (Linen's and Things) section to the side of the cage with cable ties/zip ties. We had to use the tiniest size of zip tie (Got huge "bucket o' zip ties" with 600 ties of different sizes from Orchard Supply for about 6 bucks) . It's really safe and secure. The best
Just thought I'd add that Fabio loved this when he was a baby, but he did eventually get too big to fit. I used to put a frozen water bottle on top, and wrap a thick towel around the whole thing to keep the air inside the little 'condo' while I was at work. When I came home, the bottle would usually still be frozen somewhat...

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