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The Runway

The Runway - Guinea Pig Cages

This is an incomplete (hasn't been used) picture of the runway I am making for the girls. It will have something solid on the bottom, so that they can run without hurting their feet.. Also.. I am going to make something that holds it up without it wobbling in the slightest (the shelf thing was only
Thanks =)

I 2 grids for each section, and attached them together. I used a total of 12 grids for the actual runway section.. Every other section opens for easy access to them.. in case they go halfway through, and decide they dont like it or something.. It will also allow for easy cleaning.
It didn't take too long. Probably only 30 minutes at the most. Make sure the raised part of the frame is facing up. Then, stand on them at the halfway mark and pull towards you. It isn't too hard. :)
Those white grids are unsafe! They should be 9 holes across, not six. A piggie could get her head stuck. Awesome runway though, where does it lead too?

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