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The New Piggy Haven

The New Piggy Haven - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Boo and Oreo's new pad. It is 2x4 on the bottom level, and 1x4 on the top. I'm trying fleece for the first time, and the piggies and I love it!
Great cage! There is so much for your piggies to do and explore. I really like your L ramp, good use of space. I love your piggies house.
Thanks so much! It was my first attempt at building a cage with grids. It turned out even better than I expected. Just wanted to mention that the pigs do have water bottles that go where the slab of brick is in the front left corner. I know someone would have noticed their absence eventually. :)
I love it. The colors are just great! I love how they have alot of cozies and hidey houses. The fleece is awsome, great colors.
This is just what i want to do! Ive got the grids i just need the coro. Also, i tried out the fleece too yesterday and my piggers just love it!
OMG!! I love how spoiled your pigs are!! Where did you get everything you put in the cage?

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