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The Inside

The Inside - Guinea Pig Cages

I used fleece and towels on the top level, and aspen on the bottom with newspaper underneath. As you can see, they have things to play with, places to hide, and plenty to eat. If you can see the bars, I used pvc pipes(4 under the very top of the 2nd level, and 4 under the 2nd level) to make the cage
Wow! But, it would be a bummer to have to move this thing if you ever had to fold it up or move! I love this cage, the boys must be in heaven!
actually I have the moving thing covered! we measured to make sure it fits out my door...and I have a friend that has a truck so we can just move it like that! I had to think about that actually because I'm moving in July! :eek:) They do love it! I'm thinking about adding a 3rd level too!

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