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The Girls' New Cage

The Girls' New Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Peanut's and Tutu's new cage. It is a 3x4 spilt in half so they each get a 2x3. I am going to try and introduce them again today and if they get along they will have the whole thing. Then I would add a 1x3 loft to the back. Wish me luck with my brats.lol.
I love the fleece!! I had to do the same thing. My boys weren't acting very nice to each other, so they got split. Now I think they are sad, but I didn't want them hurting each other. I definitely wish you luck!!
i laos love the fleece!! :) i have one that doesn't get along....no matter what i did...she just wants to be alone...oh well...shes the ruler of her level so she's happy!
Good luck with the re-intros. I love balck coroplast and fleece -- it looks awesome.
Well I introduced them last night. Tutu is the boss and chases Peanut around. I upgraded to a 4x4 with a 1x4 loft.

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