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The girl's new cage!

The girl's new cage! - Guinea Pig Cages

I was fed up with continually trying to clean out under the 3X4 so I changed the bottom slightly and removed most of the top. They seem to like it! I also changed to fleece as an experiment. Me and my mum were fed up with the mess from the bedding. I am currently trying to find a different way to ha
Maybe you could make an upper level (after your boy's waiting period) to serve as a hayloft.
I tried that. My 5year old pig would never climb the ramp.. I tried teaching her but she is too lazy. She likes to be able to just waddle out of her cuddle cup and sit in her hay.
i really love it! love the colors used too!!!
i'm actually gonna attempt to potty train my piggies starting next week :)
Do you have your pigs liter box trained, because if you don't than isn't hard to have to clean that all the time?
hay do you guys think it is hard to pottie train your piggies i have a2 month and 20 day old piggie and his been train for about 2 months at my house all i did was use a shoe box and put litter in it 4 ur piggie and put it in his/her cage so they get use to it and then were every they do there business then move the box to there i had to put to 2 boxs in my cage but then i took the one out that he used lest and he just goes in the one now all the time esapt at night to poos in his little eglo thingy so it works pretty good i useda shoe box because then they can chew on it so i just replace it after he chews it to much!!! it works great for me at least fluffy&amanda

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