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The girls cage

The girls cage - Guinea Pig Cages

I put the litter boxes in the center of the cage to ensure that they would use them. There's currently six piggies living in here, but in two weeks their getting an upgrade to a 3 by 5 (its a 2 by 5 right now) By the way, they love their step stools!!!
I promised myself I wouldn't come on here and be negative... but, how do they exercise with so many obstacles?
You may have more success putting the litter trays in a corner, and then their food, hay and most of the pigloos in the other corners. Guinea pigs poop anywhere and every where but they generally only pee in one corner.
They get there exercise by hopping over the litter boxes...I have tried putting the litter boxes to the side of the cage, they totally neglete them. Not my girls the go pee IN their boxes
what you do is.....skip the litter boxes.... make a coroplast box instead... so it's bigger... fit it on one side...and put ALL the food, hay, and water in it.... the tend to go while they're eating...so if you make them eat in the box they will go in the box...worked for my little guy. they need more running room than that the boxes are in the way

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