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The girls cage.

The girls cage. - Guinea Pig Cages

This is my cage for my two girls, Violet and Daisy. I just recently added the top level and they love it!
Lucky piggies having so much room! I really like your purple coroplast too... I may have to use that color for my next cage.
My goodness, that is a MOUNTAIN of hay on the top level! It's like a little piggy heaven! Do they burrow around in all that hay or just nibble from the edges? Both mine seem to like to find ways to climb into any hay holder I use!
I don't have my cage like that anymore but they burrow in it. There is always someone poking thier head out.
oh i love your cage. I wish I had the room to make Kiera a home like this. Im going to be making her a bigger cage soon though.

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