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The boys new cage

The boys new cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Not completely finished, and any advice as how to change or add things VERY welcome. Especially would like advice on what to do with the hay bit at the back. By the way, it is a cuddly toy in the cage - I don't have my piggies yet.
it looks great,if i were you then i would add some color to the cage,make it more interesting! Also, when you do get your piggy you might want to get a couple of bird toys to hang from the top of the cage, you can pick some up at Petco or Petsmart, or many other pet stores. If you can only get 1 pig,like me (when i get mine), then you should buy a guinea pig friendly mirror, so that he/she won't feel so lonely,just an idea.

if you need anymore ideas you can messsege me or send me an e-mail: [email protected]
I won't buy anything from a pet store, and I also would never have just one guinea pig - I am getting 2 boys tomorrow, 4 weeks old! But thanks for your comments anyway, I shall look in to getting some more colourful things.

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