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The Big House

The Big House - Guinea Pig Cages

Well they've done it now...the rest of their lives making big rocks into little rocks..(literally) lol I worked so hard making everything so nice for them and they seem to like it a lot. Let me know if there are things I can add or if you have any questions
Absolutely. There is a cut out from the purple one into the lower one with a ramp so it is actually one extra big space. The top one was too small by itself so I just left it as their home base for sleeping, etc. They go back and forth all day. The lower one is really big for them and they have lots of space to run. I put their snacks in the lower one so they can eat while they are down there and I am getting a second water bottle too.

A tip for those of you with cats. One of mine could not care less but the other is mesmerized. So just the cube locks do not cut it. I tied them all together on top with those little plastic ties that the police use for handcuffs. That way when he jumps on it, it doesn't cave in. I also bought a carpet remnant today to put on top so he cannot stick his paw into the cage. You have to be careful with the cubes because only one story is not tall enough to keep them out, their paws reach to the bottom of the cubes. I would suggest making it a two story with a cover if you have cats.

I also cut two corners off one of the top cubes that fit into the snaps so I can open it when I need to for snacks, petting, and cleaning. I'll put a close up pix in my galelry so you can see it, be on the lookout. It is very easy to clean that way. I have a shop vac so I will give the piggies to my son for some out of the cage playtime and simply lift the one lid, remove objects, and vac out the bottom, wipe it clean put it back.
I only had it because I bought it originally. If I knew then what I know now about making a cage I never would have bnought it due to the price. It is cheaper to make a cube one. Piggie hindsight is 20/20.
Those mixed nut treats are really bad for your guinea pigs. Please do more research on that.

Great cage!
Great cage. I love it.
The treats can get stuck in a piggies throat and nuts are full of fat, not good for a pet that lives on a low fat diet. Guinea pigs need pellets and hat (timothy or grass hay) and some veggies and fruits, but the 'treats' arent so great for them. A lot of people are now buying timothy pellets over the alfalfa ones too. Hope this helps.
Yes it does and thank you. Not only will it make sure my piggies are healthy, it saves money in Momma's wallet........two thumbs up and thanks

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