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Swirley and Brownie's cage

Swirley and Brownie's cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Just built yesterday. I actually got the idea off this site to use shelving. It's secured to a piece of wood, but it's not finished yet as I've just ordered the coroplast and we're going to make a wheeled base for it. Right now my cavies are just checking out their new home out in the fresh air.
why is this a one? It is alittle small, being only 7sqr feet (it should ne 7.5) but I give it a 9, good job so far.
Great Job on the new cage!!

The towels could just be in their because she stated the cage was not completed yet. They were just checking out the new home for a short time. If it is not a permenant home then no bedding would be needed at the moment. Just a thought.
Actually towels are fine but put fleece over the top. but nice start to the cage

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