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Sugar and Scamp's C+C Cage

Sugar and Scamp's C+C Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

I have not had any trouble keeping my ferrets in a C+C cage. My ferrets are not able to get their heads through the grid spaces. Coroplast has been zip-tied on all of the level floors but the ferrets slip and slide on it, even when their nails are short, so we throw down a lot of fleece on top of
Great cage, when I get a ferret I am going to build a cage just using cubes though. Is it hard to clean? By the way cute ferrets.:p The one that's licking its nose is adorable.

edit: when I say "when I get a ferret" I mean when I am older. They are probably quite handfulls, but I know my parents won't let me get one now.
Wow, that is soo cool. If I get a ferret I am definitely going to keep this idea in mind!
I've had ferrets get ALL the way through the spacings in grids, so just be careful if you are planning on building one for your ferrets, that they are big enough to not even get their heads through.
I was worried about mine getting their heads thru the grids, so I used these mesh cubes to build mine. It has two levels and the floor. Room for a large digging box. My female has a small head, so she could likely get thru those, but some people dont have a problem. Very nice cage.
Great cage and beautiful ferret. My ferret (whos name is roxy!) sticks her head trough the grids of my GP's cage. Roxy is a free range though.
cool cage! lol whenever get my first ferrets I think I will make mine out of C&C grids too! lol hopefully I can find them once I make my move to Japan!

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