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Stage 1 - Building my 2 x 6 double story

Stage 1 - Building my 2 x 6 double story - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is first stage photo. My cage is going to be 2 x 6 with 2 separate levels. Therefore will have boys on bottom and girls on top.. or vice versa. The top level will be open so may swap boys to girls after cleaning so they get a bit of a change. Im just experimenting at the moment with doors and h
Great start. One tip to making it sturdy it to zip tie at every connector. This will prevent the connectors from coming apart if it gets bumped. I used only zip ties and my cage is plenty sturdy.

If you are going to use that desk, I wouldn't worry about making a grid base. And if you do decide to go that route, it is ok for there to be a gap where the coroplast sits on the connectors instead of the grids. It isn't really big enough to worry about.
ok also should the coroplast sit inside the conectors or ontop at the edges, just my connectors seem really big! Just wondering whether to measure inside the edge of the connetors.

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