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Smores New Cage

Smores New Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is our first cage we have tried to build. We have to get a better floor still, used tiles for a temporary floor, but we will be getting our cloroplast tomorrow!
No friend yet! Maybe in the fall. She's never been with any other guinea pigs, I got her from a family that was not exactly treating her well so we are working on getting her used to being around people and being spoiled. She had what we believe to be her first veggie salad tonight and just went haywire over it!
lol Ours have been having veggies since we got them (about a month ago). and they still go haywire! Do you know anybody near you with guinea pigs? maybe if they are healthy you could take yours over and put them by his/her guinea pigs obviously yours in a cage and the others out side the cage or the other way round also I loooove the cage!!
Yeah, I have trained my GP's to start squealing for food every time I whistle. It's quite funny actually, when I accidentally whistle they go Haywire.
Awesome cage, too.

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