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Skywalk - Guinea Pig Cages

I got this clear tube from my husband friend and it was too short and slippery for a ramp so I created a skywalk. The pigs love it!
Awesome. I love the idea and might have to incorporate it into my personal piggie cage, as soon as it is made. Have to get the rescues adopted out first and break their pens down for the grids. I like that your piggie gets a different view. Both ends are open, right? Not blocked by the grid? I wouldnt want to assume.... Might see if I can find a huge tube for my mini bunnies. They would love it. Do you have pics from a different angle? That might help some understand the length and how piggy passes thru the tube from one end to the other. Great job.
Tipidancer: You should seriously read all of the comments before assuming things :/ I saw you do this in another picture.
anyway, i like, she looks like shes having fun! :p
I love it! That is a great idea! I love that you made it flat across instead of a ramp. It looks slippery.

It reminds me of something you would walk through at one of those big aquarium places where the water is all around you! Very cool!
Yeah, I like it too. Is it easy to slide off to clean the inside? My piggies poop everywhere and this would be no exception.

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