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Skywalk - Guinea Pig Cages

I got this clear tube from my husband friend and it was too short and slippery for a ramp so I created a skywalk. The pigs love it!
He built a large saltwater tank and it was a leftover piece. He probably got it at a aquarium supply store.
How long/short is the tube? Also is it slick enough inside that he can slide through without getting stuck. From this angle he looks really big and the tube small.

Great idea though. At least the pig likes it. He can view everything while walking through.
The tube is really short so she can breath easily and it is slippery so she slides through. It's the angel and the glare that makes it look tight, she has plenty of leg room. I actually had to hurry to take the picture because she zips through really fast.
I wouldn't go smaller than a 4" tube. My girl is chubby and she has no problem fitting through a 4" tube.

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