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Side View - Guinea Pig Cages

Open cage with upper deck loft. Ramp is green outdoor carpet material with great traction, carpet purchased at Home Depot for 4.00usd. I have enough carpet leftover for about 5 more ramps, if needed. Fleece purchased at Hobby Lobby fabric department and cut to size at home.
Your cage is very neat, spacious, and pretty. I love how it's by a window/sliding door and gets some of that light. Great choice of colors, by the way.
Thanks, the sliding door also helps with odor control! The color scheme was a compromise, as my daughters favorite color is purple, and my son's favorite is green.
Excellent workmanship!! I still new at this, how do you secure the corners of the chloroplast? Thanks
Dear gr8kvs,
You buy plasic locking ties at you local DIY store (Home Depot, Lowes, if you are in the USA). Then you can use a hole puncher to make 2 holes in the chloroplast, nearest to the area you need to secure. Slip the plasic tie through the punched holes, fasten, and secure. Cut off any excess plastic hanging from the tie, for a neater appearance.
I love the colors that you've used!!
Do your piggy's use the litter box you've got set up in the back corner? I would like to put one of those in my pigs' cage-hopefully they'll use it!! ;)
I have that same water bottle, but I put mine on the other side of cage.
I like your cage though. It's really nice and big.
hi i luv ur cage doyya mind if i use it 4 my 2 girls i wont completely copy it im gonna add a kitchen to the end of it 1 by 2with a bit of clorophast to stop mess they use it as a litter box it helps a lot why dont you try???

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