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Shelving Cage with Upper Deck

Shelving Cage with Upper Deck - Guinea Pig Cages

I could not find the wire crates at any store here, including Lowe's, Wal-Mart, and 2 office supply places. In fact, the salespeople had no idea what I was talking about. So I used 12 in wide Rubbermade shelving. I cut it to fit the top of an old piece of countertop, to which I added legs painted wh
wow! That looks great! I think I like the looks of a wire shelf cage over the coroplast -- more streamlined :)
Excellent job especially since you didnt find the materials you were looking for. Great job, Im sure your piggers love it!
Very sweet. FYI, I’ve had the exact same experience as you with Lowe’s and Wal*Mart, but every Target I’ve been to carries them. Still, I agree with my posting predecessors: this looks awesome.
This looks great. I almost bought shelving instead of cubes because I couldn't find them. (Theres not a Target near my town) But I ordered them from Wal-mart online instead.
This cage is GREAT! I love it! I also really like the look of the wire shelving instead of the cubes.

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