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Shell's 5 Star Cavy Condo

Shell's 5 Star Cavy Condo - Guinea Pig Cages

View from the back end with top level doors open on both sides (Note... can not be left alone with both sides open as they can get from one side to the other!) Doors are flipped over onto the roof! Good view of hay racks. Notice coroplast flipps down for easy cleaning. Note: the recomended size for
Hi guys :)
thx for the comments. I've never had any try to jump out of the top (or fall) but Chet (above) will jump out if left with the bottom doors open. They will push the coroplast flaps down and walk on that to get to the other side (therefore the comment above about not leaving both sides open at the same time). Obviously the doors are only left open when cleaning the cages.

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