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Shelf saver hay rack

Shelf saver hay rack - Guinea Pig Cages

This hay rack is a shelf saver rack from Walmart (2.00 or so). Turn it up on end and slide down over the coroplast/grids. Holds about 3x more hay than a grid rack, is easy to install/remove, and move around as needed. Pigs can't get into the hay rack since there are no open ends, yet you can easil
Thats what I did for a hay rack for my Guinea-pig when I made her cage.
I just used the same thing, but I zip-tied coroplast to the back, so I can move it wherever without a problem. I got one from a thrift store for a dollar and plan to buy a couple more.
I tried that. I wish it worked at that time my cage was small (2x4) and that took up one grid. Beside's from taking up space they chewed the white plastic... Wish it worked because it was a really good hay rack for the time being...

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