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Sally, Eleanor, and Lizzie's House

Sally, Eleanor, and Lizzie's House - Guinea Pig Cages

A 2x5 with a 1x2 enclosed hay loft
After getting such great comments from you on the forum, I thought I'd check out your picture gallary for ideas. Nice cage you got there. Looks like your piggies are pretty happy campers. Do they hide under the ramp at all? Is it ok to have part of the ramp open like you do? When I put my ramp down it takes up so much room and makes it completely dark in one of the corners. Then of course Flick's cage is a bit smaller - 2x4. But great job on that cage and thanks again for ideas!
Sorry for the late reply. My girls' favorite place to go is under the ramp. It's like a built in hidey house for them. In retrospect, I probably would have guard rails on both sides of the ramp, but they have never had a problem with it. With my next cage, I would like to find away to minimize on the space it takes, but overall, they are happy with the set-up.

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