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run around zone

run around zone - Guinea Pig Cages

nice lil' colorful place for them to chill..lol
nice, but I think you'll want to make that ramp a bit lower. They can just jump right out and hurt themselves when they fall. It's also just a bit steep, but it should work. Otherwise, I love it!
yep..Dip loves the slinky..I thought he might get tangled up in it so I wuz careful but its pretty fun for him.
yeah, they'd fall right off, but luckily they don't go up it. I still need to fix up the ramp..until then I watch them.
Nice cage! Maybe if you put a cardboard hidey house under the bottom end of the ramp it wouldn't be so steep for them. That's what I did and my piggers race up and down the ramp all the time.

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