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Ruby & Kirsty's Cage - Occupied!

Ruby & Kirsty's Cage - Occupied! - Guinea Pig Cages

Ruby having a nose around.
Hiya, That really is a nice looking cage! I bet Ruby and Kirsty love it! I am in Dublin and looking for places to get the mesh cubes and connectors to build a C&C cage for my boys: Teddy and Puck. I am taking a trip up to Newry and was wondering what store you bought your cubes in. Maybe they'd have one of those stores in N. Ireland. Please let me know where you got your cubes! Thanks!
Thanks PigObesessed.

I purchased my grids from Wickes in store, I cannot see them listed on the website: https://www.wickes.co.uk/ They came in a pack that makes 4 'cubes'. I wrote down the code and details from the sticker on the shelf, so hopefully if your local store don't have them in they can order them for you. Details as follows:

Storage Cubes PK4 XT



I actually got 2 packs for £4.99 each because the 'new boy' obviously made a typeo on the sticker price! By law they had no choice but to sell me them at that price, so I got lucky!

Hope this helps.

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