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Rico and Luis's new C&C Cage!

Rico and Luis's new C&C Cage! - Guinea Pig Cages

I just got this cage a little while ago.
My Guinea Pigs LOVE it soo much!
by the way, i added a hay rack so they have more hay.
Wow, I just received my piggies C&C cage this last Monday, and other than the fact that mine is a slightly different size, it looks exactly like mine! Red coroplast, and white grids. Cool. Any way, looks great, good that you have two water bottles, and great that you have added a hay rack. My piggies have to have their hay, or boy oh boy, do they holler, LOL! I've learned to just keep the fresh hay coming, to prevent their complaining, ha ha.

I'm so glad that your boys love it so much, my 2 boars have been in their C&C since the 10th, and they're so much happier, I am amazed at the changes I am already seeing in them!! Thanks for sharing a pic of your cage with us, thumbs up!!
where did you got the coroplast? Does your piggies bite it? I am new with piggies and i dont want to waste my money. cute cage
I love this cage. Where do you get the coroplast from? Ive never heard of this stuff before. It seems like it works great. Good jobs keeping your piggies happy.
next time I will go back to using care fresh it much easier to use and my girls will make a mess with it when they run around

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