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Recycled Cage

Recycled Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

I added a second loft with leftover materials. I used a leftover piece of drainage tubing to join the two lofts. The ramp is connected to the sides of the lofts using cable ties.

Please note; The petstore cage below was the "private area" for my house rabbit. He was only locked in it at n
We flat out stole your idea for the drainage tube ramp. We wanted a ramp that would not eat up all our space on the floor level, and it needed to be safe. So we used the drainage tubing and "spiraled" it. It is held into place with zip ties on the upper deck and screwed into the plywood platform holding the cage. One of our pigs loves it. Runs up and down all the time. The other one is quite afraid of the tube and won't go near it. I've even tried baiting him upstairs with goodies in the tube. Nothin' doin'. Do your piggys like the drainage tube, or was that just an experiment?
My piggies love those black tubes, while I was building the girls ramp, I laid the eight foot tube in their cage and was working on something else and they started crawling thru it, they make the best slides because they can get traction. And they're cheap!
OMG i love that sign u can get one that actually says attack guinea pig at a shop that i cant rember the name of in Silver Dollar City in Branson MO
Love this setup with the Tubes, i used the same thing in my cage, the piggy just loves going up and down. My piggy is still young so i had to cut some spots off the top of the tube for the "ramp" cuz he would hide in there and stuff lol.. so once he is older i'll put a full tube there instead of one with cut top.
I just went and bought some of the tubing. I am setting it up while i write and just went on to see how people hooked it up. I am totally using the zip tire idea. Im so excited. Thanks.

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